I've used Witch Hazel on my skin for years. I used to have very unsightly scars on my legs from mosquito bites, the use of Witch Hazel helped to fade the scars and keep my legs smooth. Over time I tried it on my face as a skin toner and it helped with the few acne scars that I had.
I'm always looking for natural products to add to the Water Bottle Soap Beauty Care line and as I was doing some research I remembered Witch Hazel. There are more to Witch Hazel than just for scars and skin toning. It helps with the following:
1. The big one: Spot and blemish control*
2. Soothe and heal diaper rash
3. Shrink bags under the eyes
4. Soothe and reduce external hemorrhoids
5. Varicose vein relief
6. Soothe poison ivy and poison oak
7. Treat chicken pox blisters
8. Heal your bruises faster
9. Soothe razor burn (and in some instances, prevent it)
10. Treat and soothe a nasty sunburn
11. Treat dry skin
12. Use to heal and soothe various cuts and bruises
13. Take the bite out of bug bites
14. Refresh tired eyes - NOT by squirting witch hazel in them
15. Make your own deodorant
16. Astringent to tighten the skin**
17. Ease symptoms of eczema and psoriasis***
Similar to the multiple benefits of Coconut Oil and
Turmeric, the benefits of Witch Hazel make this natural, Eco-friendly, inexpensive product a must have to your beauty regimen.
But, what is Witch Hazel exactly...
" …an astringent produced from the leaves and bark of the North American Witch Hazel shrub (Hamamelis virginiana),
which grows naturally from Nova Scotia west to Ontario, Canada and
south to Florida, and Texas in the United States. This plant was widely
used for medicinal purposes by American Indians. The witch hazel extract
was obtained by steaming the twigs of the shrub." - Source Wikipedia
Most drugstores carry distilled Witch Hazel, it can usually be found by the Peroxide and Rubbing Alcohol. As for my beauty line I have added WBS Skin Toner Pads, the jar holds 30 pre-moistened soaked in Witch Hazel, Lavender Essential Oil and a few drop of Vitamin E Oil. All of which are super beneficial for the skin. Check out my website for more information and to check out the entire WBS Body Care Line.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Autumn in South Florida
For those who live in the Southern part of the Sunshine state you know that we really only have one season... Hurricane season! (No joke) The way we South Floridians tell when Autumn is approaching is when the stores and the coffee shops start to offer Pumpkin flavored goodness.
Being a transplant to Florida I truly miss the changing of the seasons. The turning of the leaves from green to majestic golds, reds and oranges, the sound of them crunching under my feet as I walk in the park and feeling that crisp cool breeze tickle my nose.The sound of the leaves rustling in the air, knowing Summer has come to a close and Winter is not too far. I just really love Autumn!
I feel sad for the native SoFlas who have yet to experience a true Autumn Season, to me, it's so magical. All they have to go on are pictures of Fall leaves and Pumpkin flavors, by all means I'm not complaining, Pumpkin and spice is a wonderful warm flavor, one that takes me instantly to that Autumn paradise. However, I've noticed it doesn't translate in to soap very well in this market. Even the colors don't really translate either... I'd love to hear what you think.. Autumn Scents in Soaps "Yeay" or "Nay"?
I feel sad for the native SoFlas who have yet to experience a true Autumn Season, to me, it's so magical. All they have to go on are pictures of Fall leaves and Pumpkin flavors, by all means I'm not complaining, Pumpkin and spice is a wonderful warm flavor, one that takes me instantly to that Autumn paradise. However, I've noticed it doesn't translate in to soap very well in this market. Even the colors don't really translate either... I'd love to hear what you think.. Autumn Scents in Soaps "Yeay" or "Nay"?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
How does your garden grow?
I think I got my green thumb from my Father. From the time I can remember we've always had plants in our apartment in New Jersey growing up. I would help to transplant them when they out grew their pots. When we moved to Florida and we had a proper back yard my Dad would save and plant dates, coconuts, he even tried to plant pistachios ( those did not grow well). I joined in and planted Sun flowers, Amaryllis and Paper whites. Now that I am back to apartment living, I still enjoy getting my hands dirty so to speak. My current "garden" contains a Pineapple plant, Celery and Turmeric.
This is my second Pineapple plant and it is most definitely ready to transplant it to the ground, it has grown tremendously since all the Summer rains. Pineapple is the easiest to grow, just cut the top off of a fresh pineapple and you have a new plant. I saw a tip on local television if you peel away the bottom leaves close to the base about 1-1/12 inches up you will start to see the roots of the plant. All you have to do is just plant it in a pot or in your garden, before you know it you will have a Pineapple plant.

Next on my list is Celery, again it's easy to grow, just cut the base of the celery bulb and place in a small dish with water, soon enough you will start to see yellow-green shoots coming from the center. I then moved the bulb to a pot of soil about 2 weeks after it "caught". As soon as I transplanted it in to the earth,the yellow-green shoots turned a gorgeous deep green. This picture is about 2 weeks after it was in the dirt, best part is it has that bright Celery scent already.
My newest go at growing something is Turmeric root. I've talked about all the benefits to Turmeric in a previous post. This is more than just a natural food colorant, Turmeric is one of the greatest super foods we have. Turmeric like the Pineapple grows from itself. The roots start to produce sprouts and roots which once planted in the soil become a plant, you can then harvest the roots after the leafy tops start to turn yellow and have all new Turmeric roots to use and even plant more.

I'm excited to see how my Turmeric plant grows and getting the chance to use my own homegrown Turmeric in my soaps! These plants for the most part are low maintenance and for me, fun to watch grow and develop.I'll keep you posted on my "harvest" ...lol
Monday, July 14, 2014
Getting Show Ready

It is a wonderful feeling to know that I'm making some sort of contribution to helping preserve our environment. Also, in keeping with the Eco-Friendly theme, I'm using wrappers and labels that are Eco-Friendly or from a sustainable source. I know my customers appreciate this, as well as a good quality soap.
Getting show ready is always a challenge, but through the years I have it some what down to a science... or at least less boxes. I used to stay up all night making soap, labeling, boxing, packing and truth be told praying that my efforts pay off. As with any buying cycle, sometimes there is a pay-off, sometime not, but the most invaluable aspect is the knowledge that I gain with each show. For example, the show I just participated in... I ran out of change twice, I ran out of bags, and I sold out of 4-5 products. Those were a couple of firsts for me, but next time I know to bring change, bags, and oh dear.. make more soap... lol.
I have to laugh, it was such a great experience and it taught me about this particular show. Bottom line you can prepare as much as you like but you are never as prepared as should be. So, if you are a crafter thinking about participating in your first show or a seasoned vendor remember to have fun with it. Go out there, engage each customer, don't be put off by folks who are "just looking". Tell your story and talk about your inspiration. People will feel your passion and want to support your cause.
Good Luck!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
The Next Big Thing..... Turmeric
Growing up with parents from the West Indies there are certain things that are second nature, for instance Curry, I've eaten Curry all my life. Whether it was chicken, beef, goat... Curry was a staple in our home, also a staple were seasonings like Cumin, Geera, Tandoori, Cardamon and Turmeric. These are not new or mysterious to me, but in the mainstream, they are definitely exotic. Ironically, as I was getting ready to write this post there was an ad pop up about Turmeric and its benefits to ease joint pain.
What is Turmeric? *Turmeric is a plant. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine.

There are a mulitude of benefits Turmeric provides to not only our joints, but to our overall health.
*Here are the benefits of Turmeric in our body:
**The topical (on the skin) benefits of Turmeric are:
Check out the links below for more information on this amazing, soon to be the new super food and learn more bout how it can benefit your overall health. Also grab a bar of my WBS Herbals Turmeric soap...
Source: *http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-662-TURMERIC.aspx?activeIngredientId=662&activeIngredientName=TURMERIC
What is Turmeric? *Turmeric is a plant. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine.
There are a mulitude of benefits Turmeric provides to not only our joints, but to our overall health.
*Here are the benefits of Turmeric in our body:
- Eases joint pain
- Heartburn
- Stomach issues
- Jaundice and liver problems
- Loss of appetite
- Gallbladder issues
**The topical (on the skin) benefits of Turmeric are:
- It has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce skin inflammation, pigmentation and blemishes.
- It has antibacterial properties, which help reduce acne, especially when used with other natural ingredients.
- It has anti-aging properties, which help prevent and improve dry skin and wrinkles, thus slowing the process of aging to help your skin look younger.
Check out the links below for more information on this amazing, soon to be the new super food and learn more bout how it can benefit your overall health. Also grab a bar of my WBS Herbals Turmeric soap...
Source: *http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-662-TURMERIC.aspx?activeIngredientId=662&activeIngredientName=TURMERIC
Monday, June 16, 2014
All the world is a learning experience
You've heard the phrase " you're never too old to go back to school". This is very true, for me however, I'm not going back to the classroom. I love to learn new techniques, especially in soap and body care.I have experimented before with lotions and body sprays to help expand my business, I am still working out the best bases to use so it is an on going learning process in which I find is one of my favorite parts about my business. Which brings me to the point and also a hint of what is to come from my company. My Hubs whom is very supportive in my business venture came to me recently with complaint/idea. He likes to use shower gel over bar soap, his most recent gel soap purchase contain Menthol, which by no real stretch of the imagination, leave a "tingling" sensation on the skin. The issue was, he didn't know the gel had menthol in it, so needless to say what was supposed to be a relaxing shower after a hard day's work, turned in to a "that ish burns, what the hell did I buy" aftermath... lol.
After the tingle subsided he came to me and asked if I could make him a shower gel that he could use. This sent my head into a spin... What would I create? What additives should I try? What scent should I create? Thus the research started and I have come up with a gel I think he will like and that would be beneficial to his skin. First, I'm starting with an organic base that is all plant derived and does not contain SLS (Sodium lauryl sulfate) which is known to be very harmful to our health. Second, I am adding activated charcoal for it detoxifying properties and jojoba granules as an exfoliate. Lastly, and most tricky is a blend of essential oils that will help neutralize odor, aid in skin cleansing, refresh the body and if blended well leave a wonderful scent.I feel like a bit of a mad scientist mixing and testing the combinations of Clove oil, Lavender Essential Oil and Rosemary Essential Oil. Working on a ratio of 3:2:1 ( 3 parts light top note fragrance, 2 parts mid note scents and 1 part bottom note) Most fragrances are built this way and it all depends on how the oils absorb in the skin the faster top note to the slower bottom notes. I think I came up with a great combination, though the Hubs thinks it smells like Christmas because on the Clove...lol.
I'm sure you are asking why this combination.. here are the benefits of these essential oils:
Clove Essential Oil - Though it is a numbing agent when applied to skin, the aroma therapeutic
qualities of this oil also make it a stimulant, helping with fatigue,
depression and potentially as an aphrodisiac. Clove Oil smells like the
spice and it is a wonderful blending oil. Clove has long been used in connection with respiratory ailments such as asthma and bronchitis (breathed in over a steam bath).
Rosemary Essential Oil - Rosemary is high in camphor and is traditionally used in decongestant blends and muscle pain relief blends (think 'Vicks Vapor Rub'). This distinctive smelling essential oil is considered stimulating in nature and is often found in energizing blends. Warnings: Do not use if pregnant, have high blood pressure or a history of seizures

Lavender Essential - Lavender is used for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression. Some people use lavender for painful conditions including migraine headaches, toothaches, sprains, nerve pain, sores, and joint pain. It is also used for acne and cancer, and to promote menstruation.
I will keep you posted on my new concoction...
*Source - Clove Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil
After the tingle subsided he came to me and asked if I could make him a shower gel that he could use. This sent my head into a spin... What would I create? What additives should I try? What scent should I create? Thus the research started and I have come up with a gel I think he will like and that would be beneficial to his skin. First, I'm starting with an organic base that is all plant derived and does not contain SLS (Sodium lauryl sulfate) which is known to be very harmful to our health. Second, I am adding activated charcoal for it detoxifying properties and jojoba granules as an exfoliate. Lastly, and most tricky is a blend of essential oils that will help neutralize odor, aid in skin cleansing, refresh the body and if blended well leave a wonderful scent.I feel like a bit of a mad scientist mixing and testing the combinations of Clove oil, Lavender Essential Oil and Rosemary Essential Oil. Working on a ratio of 3:2:1 ( 3 parts light top note fragrance, 2 parts mid note scents and 1 part bottom note) Most fragrances are built this way and it all depends on how the oils absorb in the skin the faster top note to the slower bottom notes. I think I came up with a great combination, though the Hubs thinks it smells like Christmas because on the Clove...lol.
I'm sure you are asking why this combination.. here are the benefits of these essential oils:
Rosemary Essential Oil - Rosemary is high in camphor and is traditionally used in decongestant blends and muscle pain relief blends (think 'Vicks Vapor Rub'). This distinctive smelling essential oil is considered stimulating in nature and is often found in energizing blends. Warnings: Do not use if pregnant, have high blood pressure or a history of seizures
Lavender Essential - Lavender is used for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression. Some people use lavender for painful conditions including migraine headaches, toothaches, sprains, nerve pain, sores, and joint pain. It is also used for acne and cancer, and to promote menstruation.
I will keep you posted on my new concoction...
*Source - Clove Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Time in a bottle.... or fragrance really.
For me, smell of suntan lotion reminds me of when I would spend all day at the beach during summer time. I used to wear Aqua de Gio from Armani during a trip to Canada for my Grandmother's 80th Birthday. The scent of Sunflowers from Victoria Secrets takes me to a trip to Disney with my best friend. Also, VS Very Sexy reminds me of when my husband and I were first dating.

I'd love to hear what your favorite fragrance is and what memory it reminds you of....
Friday, April 11, 2014
Hippity Hoppity Easter's on it's way.
Its that time of year to celebrate birth and rebirth as Mother Nature awakens from her long (for those up north extremely long) slumber. It's time for blossoms to bloom, birds to twitter (not on the internet) and new life to begin. Easter has never really been my favorite holiday... it's a great holiday don't get me wrong, full of colors, poofy dresses with hats to match, going to Church for almost a whole week, if you are Catholic and chocolate (you knew I would sneak that in). As a child my most favorite Easter basket goodie was a fresh new box of Crayola crayons. I can still smell the fresh wax rainbow as I opened the box, not the 8 pack, no, no my friends, Easter called for the 64 pack and in those days it had a sharpener in the back of the box.
Sigh, that is one of my favorite scents, right next to new car smell and the fragrance of new money.
The bigger meaning that the crayons held was my parents support in my creativity. It's so very important that we nurture children's creativity and empower them to imagine. Imagination is the key to many of man's greatest accomplishments. To take the ordinary and make it extraordinary, it can be as profound as changing the way we communicate and follow the lives of friends and loved ones to as simple a taking an everyday object, such as a water bottle and using one more time before being recycled. It's all apart of the creative mind, seeing beyond the eye of the beholder. Creativity is not just limited to crafty projects, it can come in many forms for instance in medicine. The leaps and bounds in prosthetics are apart of having a creative mind. In a nutshell, the Easter season always super charges my creativity and the birth of new ideas. For those who celebrate, I wish you a Happy Easter Season!
The bigger meaning that the crayons held was my parents support in my creativity. It's so very important that we nurture children's creativity and empower them to imagine. Imagination is the key to many of man's greatest accomplishments. To take the ordinary and make it extraordinary, it can be as profound as changing the way we communicate and follow the lives of friends and loved ones to as simple a taking an everyday object, such as a water bottle and using one more time before being recycled. It's all apart of the creative mind, seeing beyond the eye of the beholder. Creativity is not just limited to crafty projects, it can come in many forms for instance in medicine. The leaps and bounds in prosthetics are apart of having a creative mind. In a nutshell, the Easter season always super charges my creativity and the birth of new ideas. For those who celebrate, I wish you a Happy Easter Season!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
2 was better than 3!
My son turned 3 in January, watching him grow and change has been so rewarding. Gone are the days of him crawling, babbling and me trying to figure out what he needs or wants. Now he tells me he's hungry, or thirsty, or wants to potty. He also lets me know in a very distinct way that he is displeased... My beautiful boy started to have all out screaming tantrums. At first they were minor sessions of him yelling "that's mine!" or "I want!" lately they he's been shrieking like a banshee, big crocodile tear, red faced melt downs that cause me major anxiety and embarrassment. The first aforementioned red faced-banshee incident happened in the middle of Publix (our local grocery store) it was a typical day nothing out of the ordinary. As we passed by the bakery with all the delicious goods the colorful frosted cupcake caught Darin's eye. Then the "I want's" started, the "Gimme's" followed. As I calmly explained that we do not need cupcakes because we have at home, the "It's Mine" and the crocodile tears started. Progressing in to the flailing of arms and legs as we moved on through the store. The further away we moved the louder and more upset he became until he hit a high pitched note that would make Mariah Carey green with envy. My heart stopped, I turned white as a ghost and felt the eyes of every customer on me and my possessed child. Mortified I grabbed him out of the cart bucking and screaming like a wild bronco and fled the store, sans dinner for the night.
I've read a few Mommy blogs of women who have dealt with their children's tantrums, some positively, other.. well. In one of them, she expressed how in an instant she hated her child. In the fraction of a millisecond when her child was in full Chernobyl melt down she hated him. When reading this post I thought how horrible, how could you ever for a split second hate this miracle you created. Until... it happened to me!
In the second Darin's went from 0 to over the top extreme melt down, I felt it... I hate my child. As soon as the thought entered my head, I felt guilty. Oh no... I'm a horrible Mother, I just felt it for a brief instant. How, how can this be, in one fraction of a second my thought process I would go to me hating my precious baby boy. On top of feeling humiliated, I felt angry, both at Darin and myself... more myself. By the time we arrived at home, Darin finally calmed down in the form of a nap, and I ... I was left to quietly ponder the array of emotions the past 20 minutes barraged me with and if I should have just bought the cupcakes.
It really does take a village to help raise a child and thankfully my Father was there with some pretty good advise. "Talk to him" he said, you stay calm and talk to him, he's too young to understand but if your calm he will slowly regain composure, then he will tell you what he wants..... Really, that works? So, in the throws of the next catastrophic melt down I tried it. I took a great deal of patience, and a cool baby wipe to the face but I was able to calm Darin down to a point and he was able to use his "big boy words" and tell me what he wanted. It does not mean he always gets what he wants but in expressing his desires and me taking the time to listen it makes a difference in his reactions and the tantrums do not last as long. This technique has been working so far, and the key is to control the situation. Darin is an overall easy child but like every child he does not always know how to express himself. As for me "hating" him... that is a guilt I carried for a little while but when he says to me "Mommy lets dance" or tell me a knock knock joke and we laugh hysterically I know I could never really hate my child because he fills my heart with so much love some days it feels like it will explode.
I've read a few Mommy blogs of women who have dealt with their children's tantrums, some positively, other.. well. In one of them, she expressed how in an instant she hated her child. In the fraction of a millisecond when her child was in full Chernobyl melt down she hated him. When reading this post I thought how horrible, how could you ever for a split second hate this miracle you created. Until... it happened to me!
In the second Darin's went from 0 to over the top extreme melt down, I felt it... I hate my child. As soon as the thought entered my head, I felt guilty. Oh no... I'm a horrible Mother, I just felt it for a brief instant. How, how can this be, in one fraction of a second my thought process I would go to me hating my precious baby boy. On top of feeling humiliated, I felt angry, both at Darin and myself... more myself. By the time we arrived at home, Darin finally calmed down in the form of a nap, and I ... I was left to quietly ponder the array of emotions the past 20 minutes barraged me with and if I should have just bought the cupcakes.
Monday, March 31, 2014
No veggies here... or are there?
In an effort to add more vegetables to my family's diet I turned to the culinary genius at ... Pintrest (of course!). While trolling through yummy recipe after the other I came across on for Mac and Cheese geared towards Toddlers made with Sweet Potato. What a brilliant idea! This will be a great way to add an extra dose of veg to one of Darin's (my 3 year old) favorite meals. Now truth be told I did not follow the recipe to the exact letter mainly because I did not have any Sweet Potatoes in the house but I did have Cauliflower.
*Here are the health benefits of Cauliflower:
While cauliflower is not a well-studied cruciferous vegetable from a health standpoint, you will find several dozen studies linking cauliflower-containing diets to cancer prevention, particularly with respect to the following types of cancer: bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. This connection between cauliflower and cancer prevention should not be surprising, since cauliflower provides special nutrient support for three body systems that are closely connected with cancer development as well as cancer prevention. These three systems are (1) the body's detox system, (2) its antioxidant system, and (3) its inflammatory/anti-inflammatory system. Chronic imbalances in any of these three systems can increase risk of cancer, and when imbalances in all three systems occur simultaneously, the risk of cancer increases significantly.*
First, I boiled 1/2 box of pasta and 1/2 a head of Cauliflower together in the same pot. Once the Cauliflower was fork tender, I tossed the florets and a few spoons of the pasta water in my handy Baby Bullet mixer and pureed it into a smooth apple sauce consistency. Next, I drained the pasta once it was "al dente" and set aside. In the same pot I started to make my roux, by adding equal parts on flour and butter (about 1 table spoon each) once the flour and butter combined to make a blonde paste (this is almost instant) then slowly added the Cauliflower puree to the pot, constantly but gently stirring the ingredients together until well blended and the Cauliflower puree is even thicker. If you find the sauce is too thick you can added a splash of milk to thin it out. I let the sauce marry for a few minutes then added in the cheese. For this particular dish I used a Mexican shredded blend but feel free to you whatever you have on hand. I used about 2 cups of cheese and slowly added it to the pot stirring to combine and make sure the sauce is smooth. Once the cheese is all melted in the sauce, fold in your cooked pasta. When all the pasta is coated in the delicious yummy sauce, it's time to serve.
Now since this was mainly for my little one I didn't really season it, however, we adults like comfort food too, so before you add the cheese you can add salt, pepper and a dash of fresh grated nutmeg for added flavor. This recipe took me about 25-30 mins to make even with the blending and sauce prep. I find it so much easier to use one pot for this dish, plus less clean up.
To make this even more healthier you can use reduced fat cheese and 2% milk to thin your sauce. You can add green peas, either fresh or froze (thaw before use), even carrots or chopped broccoli florets. It can even be made sinful, instead of using butter for your roux fry up some chopped bacon, remove the cooked bits and leave the grease in the pan, add your flour to create the roux and snag up all that good smoky flavor from the bacon. Once the roux is a blonde paste add your cauliflower and proceed with the recipe. When ready to serve sprinkle some of the bacon and a little finely chopped Parsley on top. Three words for any of these versions: Happy, Happy, Happy!
*Source: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=13
*Here are the health benefits of Cauliflower:
While cauliflower is not a well-studied cruciferous vegetable from a health standpoint, you will find several dozen studies linking cauliflower-containing diets to cancer prevention, particularly with respect to the following types of cancer: bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. This connection between cauliflower and cancer prevention should not be surprising, since cauliflower provides special nutrient support for three body systems that are closely connected with cancer development as well as cancer prevention. These three systems are (1) the body's detox system, (2) its antioxidant system, and (3) its inflammatory/anti-inflammatory system. Chronic imbalances in any of these three systems can increase risk of cancer, and when imbalances in all three systems occur simultaneously, the risk of cancer increases significantly.*
First, I boiled 1/2 box of pasta and 1/2 a head of Cauliflower together in the same pot. Once the Cauliflower was fork tender, I tossed the florets and a few spoons of the pasta water in my handy Baby Bullet mixer and pureed it into a smooth apple sauce consistency. Next, I drained the pasta once it was "al dente" and set aside. In the same pot I started to make my roux, by adding equal parts on flour and butter (about 1 table spoon each) once the flour and butter combined to make a blonde paste (this is almost instant) then slowly added the Cauliflower puree to the pot, constantly but gently stirring the ingredients together until well blended and the Cauliflower puree is even thicker. If you find the sauce is too thick you can added a splash of milk to thin it out. I let the sauce marry for a few minutes then added in the cheese. For this particular dish I used a Mexican shredded blend but feel free to you whatever you have on hand. I used about 2 cups of cheese and slowly added it to the pot stirring to combine and make sure the sauce is smooth. Once the cheese is all melted in the sauce, fold in your cooked pasta. When all the pasta is coated in the delicious yummy sauce, it's time to serve.
Now since this was mainly for my little one I didn't really season it, however, we adults like comfort food too, so before you add the cheese you can add salt, pepper and a dash of fresh grated nutmeg for added flavor. This recipe took me about 25-30 mins to make even with the blending and sauce prep. I find it so much easier to use one pot for this dish, plus less clean up.
To make this even more healthier you can use reduced fat cheese and 2% milk to thin your sauce. You can add green peas, either fresh or froze (thaw before use), even carrots or chopped broccoli florets. It can even be made sinful, instead of using butter for your roux fry up some chopped bacon, remove the cooked bits and leave the grease in the pan, add your flour to create the roux and snag up all that good smoky flavor from the bacon. Once the roux is a blonde paste add your cauliflower and proceed with the recipe. When ready to serve sprinkle some of the bacon and a little finely chopped Parsley on top. Three words for any of these versions: Happy, Happy, Happy!
*Source: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=13
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Stir it up... Beef Stir Fry
As a busy Mompreneur, quick and easy meals are a blessing right next to the pizza delivery man. My take on beef stir fry was influenced by a trip to Costco. They have great items and even though it maybe more than enough for a small family, there is no loss in dividing and freezing their meats and produce for dinner combos for later in the week or month. I digress though, I purchased some gorgeous bell peppers in a beautiful array of red, yellow, and orange. This instantly made me think of a stir fry with the flavors of charred onions and spicy ginger to awaken the pallet. To make it, I used the following (note these are things I had on hand in my fridge and pantry)
Once you have prepped your meat, marinate it in the Teriyaki sauce, set aside.
Prepare your veggies, dice onion, mince garlic, grate the ginger & carrots, cut up the green onions and slice the bell peppers. Now time to turn up the heat, heat a large skillet or if you have a wok or wok pan medium high heat. Add both sets of oils be sure to coat the pan, once hot add onions and let them start to cook then add salt to help them cook down till and become translucent. This next step is optional but I like when the onions have a char, so if you want to cook them till they have a little color feel free. Next add in the green onions, garlic, and ginger stirring often then add beef. Stir to cover in oil and seasonings and let brown. Be sure to stir the beef to brown on all sides. Taste and add more sauce or salt if needed. Lastly add carrots and peppers stir the pan, cover and reduce heat. Let cook till the peppers are tender and meat is fully cooked.
Note* When I cook I try to use what I have on hand so feel free to add other vegetables you like or even try a different protein such as chicken or pork maybe even cubed Tofu. I hope you give this recipe a try, and make it your own. Enjoy!
- 1.5 pounds of beef sirloin cut into strips
- 1/2 a large white onion dice
- 3 cloves of garlic minced
- 6 green onions chopped in to 1 inch pieces
- 1 inch piece of ginger root finely grated\
- 2 grated carrots
- 3 bell peppers (any color you like)
- 2 table spoons of Teriyaki sauce + a little more to taste as needed during cooking
- 2 table spoons of Olive oil
- 2 table spoons of Vegetable Oil (or Corn, canola, whatever you have at home is fine)
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt
Once you have prepped your meat, marinate it in the Teriyaki sauce, set aside.
Prepare your veggies, dice onion, mince garlic, grate the ginger & carrots, cut up the green onions and slice the bell peppers. Now time to turn up the heat, heat a large skillet or if you have a wok or wok pan medium high heat. Add both sets of oils be sure to coat the pan, once hot add onions and let them start to cook then add salt to help them cook down till and become translucent. This next step is optional but I like when the onions have a char, so if you want to cook them till they have a little color feel free. Next add in the green onions, garlic, and ginger stirring often then add beef. Stir to cover in oil and seasonings and let brown. Be sure to stir the beef to brown on all sides. Taste and add more sauce or salt if needed. Lastly add carrots and peppers stir the pan, cover and reduce heat. Let cook till the peppers are tender and meat is fully cooked.
Note* When I cook I try to use what I have on hand so feel free to add other vegetables you like or even try a different protein such as chicken or pork maybe even cubed Tofu. I hope you give this recipe a try, and make it your own. Enjoy!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Inspiration for Decadence Chocolate Soap
Why chocolate in soap?
It was a curious 2am thought that came to me after reading on the web about chocolate soap. Why not make a chocolate infused soap that looks like a dessert tart? Thus the birth of Decadence Chocolate Soap.
All of the dessert soaps contain quality cocoa powder, and are scented with yummy fragrances like Chocolate Brownie, Butterscotch Brulée, and Chocolate Covered Cherries.
Decadence soaps are meticulously created by hand, as a fine Chocolatier would create in a kitchen, yet these sweet treats are calorie free and a luxury for your skin. I will not claim that these soaps will have the same skin softening affects as a “spa type” chocolate skin care treatment, however infusing cocoa powder in the high quality soap bases and having delicious dessert scents accompany these adorable “tarts”, I'm certain that Decadence Chocolate Soap is a luxurious self indulgence you can use as pick me up whenever you need a “sweet treat”.
Monday, March 3, 2014
And the Oscar goes to.... Inspiration!
So, last night was the 86th Academy Awards and all the star were out. Some new, some vets and some legends in the biz. Ellen DeGeneres was the host and she kept it clean and light hearted. I think it was one of the best shows to date. While watching though there was an underline feeling of inspiration. The winners and the speeches all had that theme of "chase your dreams" "put in the work, and enjoy the rewards". Even those who did not receive awards seemed to be very humble and genuinely happy for those who did. Of course, this is speculation and base on the camera pan to those who did not grace the stage but still it's my point of view.
I love how Jarred Leto's acceptance speech paid homage to how hard his mother worked to provide for him and his brother and what an inspiration she was to them. 1 He described her as a high school dropout and single mom who “somehow managed to make a better life for herself and her children,” and encouraged them to “be creative and work hard and do something special.” This I believe set the tone of the night, that and the fact that a few stars were accompanied by their mothers as their "dates". Jarred won best supporting actor for the film "Dallas Buyers Club".
On to first time winner Lupita Nyong'o, she won for supporting actress in "12 Years a Slave". In her speech she said "It doesn’t escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else’s." Referring to the story of the character she portrayed in the movie. I think best inspiring quote of the night came from Steve McQueen the director (and Oscar winner) of "12 Years a Slave".. "Everyone deserves not just to survive, but to live."
Also, from the winners of best actress and best actor we hear again messages of inspiration. Cate Blanchett, while tipping a hat to each of her fellow nominees, pointed out that Dame Judi Dench (79) missed the awards due to filming a movie sequel, she mentioned how inspired she was by Judi to still be in the biz. Also, in her speech she mentioned that 2while there are still some people in the film business "who are still foolishly clinging to the idea that female films with women at the center are niche experiences. They are not. Audiences want to see them, and in fact, they earn money." This is so true, in a day and age where there are limited female role models on the small screen we need stories and strong women to "represent" on the big screen.
Finally, last night my man Matthew McConaughey won for best actor. I already love how down to earth he is, however he left me wondering about his speech, he thanked himself for "being someone to chase" as part of the 3 things that keep him going. First one being "Something to look up to", second "Something to look froward to". Matthew is always chasing his future self (by 10 years) it's an ideal he will never reach which keeps the drive going. Let's break this down we all have role models, people we strive to be like. But how interesting would it be if we started to strive to be the person we think we will be in 10 years. Be our own inspiration, that takes a ton of self acceptance and confidence. That to me is inspiring!
Side note I love how he thanked his dearly departed Father... Big pot of Gumbo, lemon meringue pie, underwear and beer...
Inspiration is everywhere, in stories, nature, art, music, self, it's all around us. Become inspired and be an inspiration...
1: Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/oscars/jared-leto-thanks-mother-oscar-speech-article-1.1708435#ixzz2uus8Cibi
2: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/03/us-oscars-bestactress-idUSBREA2208320140303
On to first time winner Lupita Nyong'o, she won for supporting actress in "12 Years a Slave". In her speech she said "It doesn’t escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else’s." Referring to the story of the character she portrayed in the movie. I think best inspiring quote of the night came from Steve McQueen the director (and Oscar winner) of "12 Years a Slave".. "Everyone deserves not just to survive, but to live."
Also, from the winners of best actress and best actor we hear again messages of inspiration. Cate Blanchett, while tipping a hat to each of her fellow nominees, pointed out that Dame Judi Dench (79) missed the awards due to filming a movie sequel, she mentioned how inspired she was by Judi to still be in the biz. Also, in her speech she mentioned that 2while there are still some people in the film business "who are still foolishly clinging to the idea that female films with women at the center are niche experiences. They are not. Audiences want to see them, and in fact, they earn money." This is so true, in a day and age where there are limited female role models on the small screen we need stories and strong women to "represent" on the big screen.
Finally, last night my man Matthew McConaughey won for best actor. I already love how down to earth he is, however he left me wondering about his speech, he thanked himself for "being someone to chase" as part of the 3 things that keep him going. First one being "Something to look up to", second "Something to look froward to". Matthew is always chasing his future self (by 10 years) it's an ideal he will never reach which keeps the drive going. Let's break this down we all have role models, people we strive to be like. But how interesting would it be if we started to strive to be the person we think we will be in 10 years. Be our own inspiration, that takes a ton of self acceptance and confidence. That to me is inspiring!
Side note I love how he thanked his dearly departed Father... Big pot of Gumbo, lemon meringue pie, underwear and beer...
Inspiration is everywhere, in stories, nature, art, music, self, it's all around us. Become inspired and be an inspiration...
1: Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/oscars/jared-leto-thanks-mother-oscar-speech-article-1.1708435#ixzz2uus8Cibi
2: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/03/us-oscars-bestactress-idUSBREA2208320140303
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Life in color, the value of color trends
What is a trend?
Webster's define the word trend as
In a fairly recent chat with a fellow "Mompreneur" about taking Water Bottle Soap to the "next level", she tipped me off to color trends. I've know that Pantone picks a color of the year and I've see color trends in fashion but it never really dawned on me that there are folks who's job it is to come up with the colors for the season's color report. Somehow that sounds like a awesome job! You get paid to play with colors... Where do I sign up?
Ok, I digress... the point is, after my "coffee talk" I went home and did a little research. It was like the scene from the Wizard of Oz, after Dorothy landed in Oz and everything is in technicolor. It was as if I was living my world in grey scale, these gorgeous colors that the rainbow gurus have chose were everywhere. They were on the Neiman Marcus site, Urban Outfitters, and several other sites I checked out.
Webster's define the word trend as
noun : a general direction of change : a way of behaving, proceeding, etc., that is developing and becoming more common
: something that is currently popular or fashionable

I was especially inspired by Neiman Marcus' website, as soon as I logged on I was met by a backdrop of Radiant Orchid (Pantone's Color of the year). It's a beautiful shade of lilac, and if you keep an eye out you will see in everything from fashion to crafts and everything in between. That is the thing about color trends they are everywhere but the changes are so subtle unless you pay attention to them you may not realize why you bought the Radiant Orchid dress versus the blue one next to it.
Sample items in Pantone's Color of the year: Radiant Orchid
I'm sure you are reading this and thinking.. "well yes this information is great but, why is it important." If you are a business owner, like me, three words "The Educated Consumer", on some level we are all educated consumers whether we learn about the features and functions of items we are interested in or our cognitive mind kicks in and images, colors, and shapes, of products are stored, then triggered later in the shopping cycle. The key is, these trending colors are stored in our mind because we see them frequently in the color season, so replicating them in some how in products that you are either selling or trying to draw attention to will most likely catch the eye of an "educated consumer". To quote the new show on the ABC network,
Sample items in Pantone's Color of the year: Radiant Orchid
I'm sure you are reading this and thinking.. "well yes this information is great but, why is it important." If you are a business owner, like me, three words "The Educated Consumer", on some level we are all educated consumers whether we learn about the features and functions of items we are interested in or our cognitive mind kicks in and images, colors, and shapes, of products are stored, then triggered later in the shopping cycle. The key is, these trending colors are stored in our mind because we see them frequently in the color season, so replicating them in some how in products that you are either selling or trying to draw attention to will most likely catch the eye of an "educated consumer". To quote the new show on the ABC network,
"It's like Jedi mind tricks!" - from the show Mind Games
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