It is a wonderful feeling to know that I'm making some sort of contribution to helping preserve our environment. Also, in keeping with the Eco-Friendly theme, I'm using wrappers and labels that are Eco-Friendly or from a sustainable source. I know my customers appreciate this, as well as a good quality soap.
Getting show ready is always a challenge, but through the years I have it some what down to a science... or at least less boxes. I used to stay up all night making soap, labeling, boxing, packing and truth be told praying that my efforts pay off. As with any buying cycle, sometimes there is a pay-off, sometime not, but the most invaluable aspect is the knowledge that I gain with each show. For example, the show I just participated in... I ran out of change twice, I ran out of bags, and I sold out of 4-5 products. Those were a couple of firsts for me, but next time I know to bring change, bags, and oh dear.. make more soap... lol.
I have to laugh, it was such a great experience and it taught me about this particular show. Bottom line you can prepare as much as you like but you are never as prepared as should be. So, if you are a crafter thinking about participating in your first show or a seasoned vendor remember to have fun with it. Go out there, engage each customer, don't be put off by folks who are "just looking". Tell your story and talk about your inspiration. People will feel your passion and want to support your cause.
Good Luck!